Fraxel Treatment
At Aesthetic Pro Laser Clinic, we use a non-invasive laser treatment that improves the appearance of ageing and damaged skin with minimal discomfort and quick results. The laser works on two wavelengths to treat both superficial and deep conditions, resulting in smoother, fresher, younger-looking skin. The laser also induces collagen renewal, improves tone and texture, reduces fine lines, wrinkles and brown spots, and improves the appearance of acne scars.

No Surgery Or Injections
Fraxel is non-invasive, no cutting, no needles.
Fast And Comfortable
Delivering a ​quick and easy procedure with impacting results.
Minimal Downtime
Downtime ranges, depending on the aggressiveness of treatment
Multiple Treatment Areas
Treats fine lines, surface scarring, pigmentation, sun damaged skin and actinic keratosis